Dubya claims New Jersey has WMD
(too old to reply)
2004-11-05 00:26:02 UTC
F-16 fighter fires at New Jersey school
Thu 4 November, 2004 22:36
2004-11-05 21:20:31 UTC
Post by Sheesh
F-16 fighter fires at New Jersey school
At least they were not live rounds.
What do you mean not live rounds? They were bigass bullets the
size of okras; right?
Yeah and they just put dents in the roof.......nobody was hurt and
I bet it was a bug in the targeting computer or compass.
Boy, that's a relief.
She just explain's it away and "moves on" don't she? What would it
take to impress her?
Excuse me, but what part of this did everyone not understand?
"Police Chief Mark Siino on Thursday said police officers noticed
punctures in the roof. Ceiling tiles had fallen into classrooms and
there were scratch marks in the asphalt outside the building.
The 2-inch long bullets are made of lead and do not explode. It was
unclear why the shots were fired, Webster said."
Let me guess. The military is calling these non-lethal bullets.
I guess kids (and adults) are immune to falling lead.
What a bunch of crap.
Jersey is one of the states that supported Kerry; right? Guess
Hollywood is next.

I'm trying to grasp what it would be like firing a gun with a 2 inch
long bullet that is 3/4 of an inch in diameter. What do you think the
recoil would be like?
