(too old to reply)
geoff firman
2005-02-06 15:45:03 UTC
wet's wock!
reverend maxwell snort
2005-02-06 21:45:13 UTC
Post by geoff firman
wet's wock!
aww you weddy to wock?
geoff firman
2005-02-07 03:42:52 UTC
Post by reverend maxwell snort
Post by geoff firman
wet's wock!
aww you weddy to wock?
....and the purpose of this group?

...describe it briefly...
reverend maxwell snort
2005-02-08 01:09:08 UTC
Post by geoff firman
Post by reverend maxwell snort
Post by geoff firman
wet's wock!
aww you weddy to wock?
....and the purpose of this group?
...describe it briefly...
it's the summer home for jiffy club; also known as JFFC, or Just for fun
Club. we normally live in alt.clubs.just-for-fun, but recently had a
hearing as to whether or not the Serpent in revelations was responsible
for his actions (held in alt.religion.jiffyism, a game to explore that
section of the bible, for fun). currently, Eve, mother of all mankind is
hiding here waiting for the serpent to show back up so she can step on him

I saw you pop in, so I answered. please don't get the wrong impression.
no topic is taboo. right now, we're taking opposing sides in th on-going
flame war between alt.atheism and alt.religion.christian, since there's
room for both in jiffyism. we're thinking about annexing another
newsgroup next week. related newsgroups would be buzzard's groups,
alt.binaries.jiffy-club, alt.binaries.hacking beginner, and a host of
others (HTML, PHP, SQL, graphics, linux, SETI, distributed.net, we try to
stay busy)

stick around, if you like; tell us what you do for fun.
2005-02-08 01:23:23 UTC
Post by reverend maxwell snort
Post by geoff firman
Post by reverend maxwell snort
Post by geoff firman
wet's wock!
aww you weddy to wock?
....and the purpose of this group?
...describe it briefly...
it's the summer home for jiffy club; also known as JFFC, or Just for fun
Club. we normally live in alt.clubs.just-for-fun, but recently had a
hearing as to whether or not the Serpent in revelations was responsible
for his actions (held in alt.religion.jiffyism, a game to explore that
section of the bible, for fun). currently, Eve, mother of all mankind is
hiding here waiting for the serpent to show back up so she can step on him
I saw you pop in, so I answered. please don't get the wrong impression.
no topic is taboo. right now, we're taking opposing sides in th on-going
flame war between alt.atheism and alt.religion.christian, since there's
room for both in jiffyism. we're thinking about annexing another
newsgroup next week. related newsgroups would be buzzard's groups,
alt.binaries.jiffy-club, alt.binaries.hacking beginner, and a host of
others (HTML, PHP, SQL, graphics, linux, SETI, distributed.net, we try to
stay busy)
Yes it is better to keep them busy or they cause trouble ;)

Ask not what Jiffy can do for yous, but what can yous do for Jiffy!
Post by reverend maxwell snort
stick around, if you like; tell us what you do for fun.
Yes please do<G>
2005-02-07 03:34:00 UTC
Post by geoff firman
wet's wock!
wo k
2005-02-07 04:56:59 UTC
Post by geoff firman
wet's wock!
wo k
Oh cool it did show up but not my bin post.